— Auglýsing —

Sjónauki Nightforce BR 8-32×56 -Seldur.


130.000 kr.


Frá söluaðila:
Each of our Precision Benchrest models feature 56mm multi-coated lenses, providing the superior resolution necessary to distinguish fine detail at extremely long ranges. An adjustable objective allows extra-fine focus to adjust parallax from 25 yards to infinity. Target turrets are calibrated in true .125 M.O.A. (1/8 click) values and can be re-indexed to zero after sighting in. Both Precision Benchrest riflescopes are equipped with a coil spring plunger return system to maximize tracking accuracy. The eyepiece provides fast reticle focusing, and a glass-etched illuminated reticle provides optimum image/reticle contrast under virtually any lighting conditions. You have two choices of magnification ranges, but only one choice in the ultimate benchrest riflescope.


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